Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Cross Stitching Boys Over Flowers (Part 1: The Mighty Gu Jun Pyo)

If you're a fan of kdramas, there's a 99.9% chance you've seen or heard of Boys Over Flowers.  Despite the fact there are more facepalm/eyeroll moments than the amount of times "Almost Paradise" is played (translation: *a lot*), it is one of my favorite kdramas ever.  Why?  'Ello F4! (*cue screaming schoolgirls*)

This is the base picture for my pattern.  Jan Di conveniently left out.  (sorry.  not sorry.)

Ideally, Ji Hoo wouldn't have had mullet hair, but I'll deal.

Keep in mind, this is my first pattern.  I read somewhere that people usually use grid/graph paper for these sorts of things.  Seemed like a good idea to use "best practices" for a first pattern.  Naturally, my grid paper attempts were a complete fail.  How do you people show backstitching and french knots or differentiation between DMC 791 and DMC 792?  o_O  My pattern was a complete smudgy graphite mess x 10.

Luckily, for those that are more skilled with a mouse and pixels, there's PC Stitch.  A lot easier than painstakingly filling in hundreds of tiny squares with a pencil.  AND PC Stitch can distinguish between 791/792.  So, suck it, grid paper.  Expect a slightly better review of PC Stitch in the future.

Materials  for my Boys Over Flowers pattern.  Plus a notebook that just happened to match the color scheme.
Materials used:

  • 14 Count 12x18" Tropical Pink Aida fabric from 123Stitch
  • A crap ton of DMC thread that required 3 different shopping trips to multiple stores
  • 10" hoop
  • Size 24 tapestry needle

My biggest concern for this pattern was finding the right shade of pink Aida.  I normally stick to variations of white Aida, but thanks to F4's obsession with white pants, that clearly wouldn't work this time.  Thankfully, the pink turned out pretty well.  I had purchased a backup pink from Michaels out of fear, but 123Stitch did not let me down.  Yay for accurate preview pics!

Generally in cross stitch, you start in the center.  Coincidentally and appropriately the leader of F4, Gu Jun Pyo, just happened to be the first stitch.

Here he is, foot(feet?)-less, wrist-less, and sans handkerchief/bowtie.  Not too bad!

F4 leader, Gu Jun Pyo, in glorious cross stitched form

Unfortunately, he'll remain in this state for a bit longer.  I'm not sure what the "proper" thing to do in cross stitch etiquette, but I tend to move on with other parts of the project and then begrudgingly fill in details (like feet) at the end.

So, don't fear Jun Pyo fans.  He will be completed at a later date.  For now though, next up is mullet head Ji Hoo.

As celebration for my first pattern related post, I present my partial piano attempt of "Because I'm Stupid" aka the only song that Ji Hoo knows how to play on guitar.  Enjoi!

Until next time,

Dani ^_^

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